New GNU Emacs CSS Mode

I'm using this mode with nxhtml-mode; hexcolour-display mode(for showing colors inside css files viewing hexcolors), tinypair-minor-mode(from tiny-tools-about ""(){} automatic insert process)... All of them give to complete powerful css processing for me...
These additional Modes inside package. For Details, please click to picture.
New GNU Emacs Javascript Mode
I was convert Xemacs last javascript mode; this mode support to new js libraries code navigation within speedbar, better than other GNU Emacs Javascript Modes. I added javascript-console support; I use [ jsdb for win32] for working javascript shell inside win32 shell. You can see my dotemacs file how i configured. Now we have javascript-shell inside Emacs for testing basic javascript algorithims. Additional Mozill-Firefox Debugging support comes with minor js-mode; this modes give you connection to Mozilla-Firefox Environment for debugging. I just packaged and configured in my dot emacs...
For Details, please click to picture.
New GNU Emacs PHP Mode
This Mode not official Xemacs PHP Mode; it comes from Debotv and well documented. You can see in this address all specials.When I was discover; I said: Thanks God! This is what I was looking for PHP editing. Now we have VIM power inside Emacs to editing php code:) Even Zend Studio:)
I converted to GNU Emacs; I added from other GNU Emacs php mode; browse manual, check syntax and find documentation, speedbar and imenu support functions. All templates and indentations works great. Templates handle all php functions, class and loops like textmate style:) Automatic completion with just TAB keypressing. If you are install cygwin+w3m, you can look at the php functions from manual within Emacs Environment and w3m. If you are set to php path your win32 environment variables; you can check syntax just pressing f12. Besides, everything customizable. All Documentation in here: Many powerful things in there. Discover it!
For Details, please click to picture.
New GNU Emacs Smarty Mode
This is the same place with php-mode. It was work with Xemacs, now work with GNU-Emacs:) All Smarty functions and templates handle with textmate style and tab completation. Details and Documentation in same place :
This mode not from me; but it looks like miracle:) Original Author and address here : This mode gives to MACOSX Textmate Editor power for Emacs users. You can see all documentation and demo from author address. I added some html abbrevs for link-style-page-doctype-script-img-a and for page. Easy to adding abbrevs, just look at to documentation. I will add when I have newones..For installation and configuration look at Installation Wiki Page and My Dot Emacs.
Other Helpful Modes and My Dotemacs for Configuration
All other modes inside my site-lisp directory.
- Apache-Mode : For editing all apache files
- Ascii-Table : Easy insertation for Ascii characters
- Color-Theme : Good Looking for Emacs Code Environment
- CSV Mode : Editing comma-seperate files and looks like tabular-data viewing
- Hexcolour Mode : For CSS files color property viewing.
- Linkd Mode : Linking any files in your system within Emacs, very useful.
- Pabbrev Mode: All buffer words can be complete with TAB press.
- Textile Mode : Editing textile formating files. Useful when you are use Textpattern.
- Tinypair Mode : Automatic Parenhesize, bracket,semicolon,etc insertation.
- Wcy-swbuff.el : Just press Ctrl+TAB for buffer navigating.
- Webblogger Mode: For Blogger-WP and other Blog softwares. You can edit entries within Emacs with xml-rpc interface.
My Dot Emacs
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(TeX-DVI-via-PDFTeX nil) '(TeX-PDF-mode nil) '(TeX-show-compilation t) '(buffer-encoding (quote utf-8)) '(debug-on-error t) '(htmlize-view-print-visible t t) '(ispell-program-name "aspell") '(javascript-shell-command "jsdb");;Javascript Shell from '(javascript-shell-command-args (quote ("eval"))) '(menu-bar-mode nil) '(nxhtml-default-encoding (quote utf-8)) '(nxhtml-load t);;Autoloading NXHTML Mode with css-js-php support '(nxhtml-skip-welcome t) '(nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag t) '(pr-gs-command "c:\\gs\\gs8.56\\bin\\gswin32c.exe") '(pr-gv-command "C:\\Program Files\\Ghostgum\\gsview\\gsview32.exe") '(prefer-coding-system (quote utf-8)) '(recentf-mode t) '(scroll-bar-mode nil) '(selection-coding-system (quote utf-8-dos)) '(show-paren-mode t) '(speedbar-show-unknown-files t);;All file can view inside speedbar '(tidy-shell-command "c:/WINDOWS/tidy.exe");; For html tidy '(tool-bar-mode nil) '(transient-mark-mode t) '(tumme-cmd-create-temp-image-program "c:/ImageMagick/convert.exe");;Picture vieving emacs inside (Emacs w32 Mode Addition '(tumme-cmd-create-thumbnail-program "c:/ImageMagick/convert.exe") '(tumme-cmd-rotate-thumbnail-program "c:/ImageMagick/mogrify.exe") '(unibyte-display-via-language-environment t) '(unify-8859-on-decoding-mode t) '(utf-8-compose-scripts t) '(utf-fragment-on-decoding t) '(w32-print-menu-show-print nil) '(w32-print-menu-show-ps-print nil) '(w32shell-cygwin-bin "C:\\cygwin\\bin") ;;Emacs W32 Cygwin Shell Support '(w32shell-msys-bin "C:\\msys\\1.0\\bin");;Emacs W32 MSYS Shell Support '(w32shell-shell (quote cmd));;Emacs W32 Shell support '(w3m-command "C:\\cygwin\\bin\\w3m.exe");;Emacs W32 W3M Support '(w3m-use-tab t)) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ) (set-default-font "-outline-Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-normal-r-normal-normal-13-97-96-96-c-*-utf-8") (require 'color-theme) ;; Extra Color Themes from org mode author (load "color-theme-cl-frame.el") (load "color-theme-rlx.el") (load "color-theme-colorful-obsolescence") ;(color-theme-charcoal-black) ;(color-theme-rlx) ;(color-theme-cl-frame) (color-theme-colorful-obsolescence) ;(color-theme-blippblopp) ;(color-theme-charcoal-black) ;(color-theme-infodoc) ;(color-theme-jb-simple) ;(color-theme-digital-ofs1) ;(color-theme-goldenrod) ;(color-theme-comidia) (setq query-replace-highlight t) (setq search-highlight t) (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t) ;; My Global Key shorcuts (global-set-key [f5] 'smarty-mode) (global-set-key [(C f5)] 'surround-region-with-tag) (global-set-key [f6] 'php-mode) (global-set-key [(M f6)] 'list-colors-display) (global-set-key [(shift f6)] 'tinypair-mode) (global-set-key [(C f6)] 'cua-mode) (global-set-key [f7] 'fold-dwim-toggle) (global-set-key [(shift f7)] 'fold-dwim-show-all) (global-set-key [(C f7)] 'fold-dwim-hide-all) (global-set-key [(M f7)] 'setnu-mode) (global-set-key [(shift f8)] 'color-theme-colorful-obsolescence) (global-set-key [(C f8)] 'color-theme-rlx) (global-set-key [(M f8)] 'color-theme-cl-frame) (global-set-key [f9] 'nxhtml-mode) (global-set-key [(shift f9)] 'html-mode) (global-set-key [(C f9)] 'comment-region) (global-set-key [(M f9)] 'uncomment-region) (global-set-key [(f11)] 'pabbrev-mode) (global-set-key [(shift f11)] 'hs-minor-mode) (global-set-key [(C f11)] 'imenu-add-menubar-index) (global-set-key [(M f11)] 'javascript-shell) (global-set-key [(shift f12)] 'php-browse-manual) (global-set-key [(M f12)] 'php-search-documentation) (global-set-key [(f12)] 'php-check-syntax) (global-set-key [(C f12)] 'speedbar) ;; Hexcolour Mode, showing colors inside css mode (require 'palette);; This is palette.el (autoload 'hexcolour-mode "hexcolour" nil t nil) (defvar hexcolour-keywords '(("#[abcdef[:digit:]]\\{6\\}" (0 (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face (list :background (match-string-no-properties 0))))))) (defun hexcolour-add-to-font-lock () (font-lock-add-keywords nil hexcolour-keywords)) (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'hexcolour-add-to-font-lock) (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index) ;;rnc mode - nxml dosyalarini duzenleme icin (autoload 'rnc-mode "rnc-mode") (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.rnc\\'" . rnc-mode) auto-mode-alist)) ;; DTD mode (autoload 'dtd-mode "tdtd" "Major mode for SGML and XML DTDs." t) (autoload 'dtd-etags "tdtd" "Execute etags on FILESPEC and match on DTD-specific regular expressions." t) (autoload 'dtd-grep "tdtd" "Grep for PATTERN in files matching FILESPEC." t) (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list '("\\.dcl$" . dtd-mode) '("\\.dec$" . dtd-mode) '("\\.dtd$" . dtd-mode) '("\\.ele$" . dtd-mode) '("\\.ent$" . dtd-mode) '("\\.mod$" . dtd-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) ;;open office ve mozilla arsiv dosyalarını diredde acik gormek icin (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.xpi$" . archive-mode) auto-mode-alist)) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.sx$" . archive-mode) auto-mode-alist)) ;; Ctrl+Tab for buffer switching (require 'swbuff) (require 'wcy-swbuff) (global-set-key (kbd "") 'wcy-switch-buffer-forward) (global-set-key (kbd " ") 'wcy-switch-buffer-backward) ;; PHP Mode handling drupal module and other content-types (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.\\(php\\|module\\|engine\\|inc\\|thtml\\)\\'" . php-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (setq interpreter-mode-alist (append '(("php" . php-mode)) interpreter-mode-alist)) ;; Po files edit mode (autoload 'po-mode "po-mode" "Major mode for translators to edit PO files" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.po\\'\\|\\.po\\." . po-mode) auto-mode-alist)) ;; CSS, Javascript, php and txt mode use tinypair mode for automatic insert brackets, " characters, this tinypair.el file comes with tinytools (require 'tinypair) ;; Match Paren function (global-set-key "%" 'match-paren) (defun match-paren (arg) "Go to the matching paren if on a paren; otherwise insert %." (interactive "p") (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1)) ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1)) (t (self-insert-command (or arg 1))))) ;; Cygwin w3m loading (require 'w3m) (setq browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url) (require 'w3m-load) (require 'pabbrev) (require 'setnu) ;; show ascii table ;; optained from (defun ascii-table () "Print the ascii table. Based on a defun by Alex Schroeder " (interactive) (switch-to-buffer "*ASCII*") (erase-buffer) (insert (format "ASCII characters up to number %d.\n" 254)) (let ((i 0)) (while (<>") (goto-char (+ end 2 (length tag-name))) (insert ""))) ;;Apache Mode-Handling Apache files (autoload 'apache-mode "apache-mode" "autoloaded" t) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.htaccess$" . apache-mode)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("httpd\\.conf$" . apache-mode)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("srm\\.conf$" . apache-mode)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("access\\.conf$" . apache-mode)) ;; Automatic imenu support for some modules (setq javascript-load-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq javascript-mode-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq html-load-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq html-mode-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq emacs-lisp-load-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq emacs-lisp-mode-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) (setq latex-load-hook (quote (imenu-add-menubar-index))) ;; Mozilla javascript console connection (add-hook 'javascript-mode-hook 'js-mode) (autoload 'js-mode "js-mode" nil t) ;; MSF-ABBREVS Mode- Textmate like snippets:) ;; ensure abbrev mode is always on (setq-default abbrev-mode t) ;(msf-abbrev-load-tree "c:/Program Files/Emacs/site-lisp/mode-abbrevs") (require 'msf-abbrev) (setq msf-abbrev-verbose t) ;; optional (setq msf-abbrev-root "c:/Program Files/Emacs/site-lisp/mode-abbrevs") (global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'msf-abbrev-goto-root) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'msf-abbrev-define-new-abbrev-this-mode) (msf-abbrev-load) ;;Linkd Mode : Very useful for project managament-form org mode author (require 'linkd) (setq linkd-use-icons t) (setq linkd-icons-directory "~/.linkd-icons") (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'linkd-mode) (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'linkd-mode) (add-hook 'sh-mode-hook 'linkd-mode) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'linkd-mode) (global-set-key [(control \&)] 'linkd-follow-on-this-line) (global-set-key [(control f3)] 'linkd-process-block) (global-set-key (kbd "M-[") 'linkd-previous-link) (global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'linkd-next-link) (global-set-key (kbd "M-RET") 'linkd-follow-at-point) ;; Paredit Mode for Lisp and Elisp (require 'paredit) (autoload 'paredit-mode "paredit" "Minor mode for pseudo-structurally editing Lisp code." t) (mapc (lambda (mode) (let ((hook (intern (concat (symbol-name mode) "-mode-hook")))) (add-hook hook (lambda () (paredit-mode +1))))) '(emacs-lisp lisp inferior-lisp)) (load "auctex.el" nil t t) (load "preview-latex.el" nil t t) ;; Auctex Mode Conf with Reftex support (setq TeX-auto-save t) (setq TeX-parse-self t) (setq-default TeX-master nil) (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex) (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t) (setq mode-line-format nil) ;; CSV Files viewing and editing (require 'csv-mode) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.[Cc][Ss][Vv]\\'" . csv-mode)) (autoload 'csv-mode "csv-mode" "Major mode for editing comma-separated value files." t) (require 'csv) (load "csv.el" nil t t) ;; ERC Extras (add-to-list 'load-path "/erc-extras" t) (require 'erc) ;; Very funny window effects:) (require 'windzoom);;This is windzoom.el from Japan:) ;; Tramp extras- I use tramp for ftp connections (require 'tramp-util) ;;Textile file editing (require 'textile-mode) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.textile\\'" . textile-mode)) ;; XML-RPC Service for Blog Software (require 'weblogger) (require 'keywiz) ;;Drupal Minor Mode (defun drupal-minor-mode () (interactive) (php-mode) (setq c-basic-offset 2) (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq fill-column 78) (c-set-offset 'case-label 2) (c-set-offset 'arglist-close 0)) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.\\(php\\|module\\|template\\|engine\\|inc\\|thtml\\)\\'" . drupal-minor-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'drupal-minor-mode "drupal-minor-mode" nil t) ;; Smarty Mode (require 'smarty-mode) (autoload 'smarty-mode "smarty-mode" "SmartyMode" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.\\(template\\|tpl\\)\\'" . smarty-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) ;; Note: PHP-Javascript and CSS Modes load with nxhtml-mode start file... ;; Auctex Mode have self conf files...
That's all...
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